Training in Persona Dolls

What are Persona Dolls?

Persona Dolls is an innovative educational tool and instrument for approaching diversity and non-discrimination through imaginative game and communication skills. According to Kay Taus (1987) who first applied this method to the US, Persona dolls are “different”, because each has its own identity, as every child in the class has its own identity.

The dolls carry a story that introduces issues or  problems that are made for each doll and reflects social issues related to racism, gender, social class differences, poverty, diseases such as AIDS, childhood issues with reduced capacities and special needs.

What is the purpose of the seminar?

The aim of the seminar is to initiate the Persona Dolls methodology and to develop its skills in the educational process to approach contemporary social issues such as the Diversity issue, which may involve various areas of human life, Refugee Issues, Prevention Violence and School Bullying.

Target Audience

The seminar is aimed at teachers, kindergartens, teachers, pediatricians, pedagogical specialists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, pre-school and early childhood specialists in all specialties involved in education and / or intervention (psychological, pedagogical, special, occupational therapy, speech therapy).

How is the seminar built?

The seminar will be carried out using methods and techniques such as lecture, discussion, group work, role playing and doll animation and the use of persona dolls. In the first part the participants are familiar with the theory and methodology of Persona Dolls, while through the Experiential Laboratory of the second part they use in practice the educational tool with the support of our experienced trainers.


  • Concept of methodology, purpose, benefits, theoretical framework of the method
  • Characteristics of the Persona doll
  • Difference of the doll for dramatic play by the Persona doll
  • Character Creation – Identity of the Persona Doll
  • Introduction – Acquaintance with the Persona Doll
  • Build the story
  • Examples of identity and history development


  • Experiential Workshop – Working in groups
  • Use dolls with different features. Build the identity and history of the dolls.
  • Planning actions to approach diversity based on the problematic state of the doll
  • Presentation of group work

What does a teacher gain from attending the seminar?

Beyond the knowledge and the ability to apply the Persona Dolls to the class, teachers will gain a rich network of acquaintances and a certificate of participation from the Educational Network ATHINA.